Sunday 31 July 2022

Types of Instructions In C Programming


Types of Instructions In C Programming


There are 3 types of c programming instructions


1.     Declaration Instruction – This instruction used  to declare the types of variables


For Example –



Int i=10 , j=30 -     int abc,

                            float xyz

Int j=30 , i=10



2.     Arithmatic Instructions- This instruction used to perform arithmetic operations on constants and variables

For Example – int a+b

Int ad ;

Float kot,deta,alpha,beta,gamma;

ad = 3000 ;

kot = 0.0056;

deta = alpha*beta/gamma +3.0*2/5 ;


*,/,-,+ are the arithmetic operators

= is the assignment operator

2,5 and 3200 are integer constants

3.2 and 0.0056 are real constants

Ad is an integer variables

kot, deta,alpha, beta, gamma are real variables

Hint – arithmetic operation can be performed on – int, floats,chars.


3.     Control Instruction – This instruction is used to control the sequence of execution. (flow of control in program)



For Example-


Program me looping process ( while loop , for loop do- while loop }







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